Monday 22 June 2015

Rough cut and feedback

Rough Cut and Feedback | Wonder

Animation so far, I have included the music in the background but have completed the animation with the time I had left. I think it could maybe use some more detail from spending more time with it but so far I am happy with the overall result. 
I would have liked to have added some additional audio possibly to do with the voices, voiceovers would have made it much better so if I had have more time then I would have tried to do that instead of writing the words out.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

The soundtrack

Sound Track Creation | Project 3 | Wonder

This lesson we decided to dedicate our time to creating a soundtrack that could be used as the theme music and or background music to our final animation, moreover using and manipulating multiple audio clips in garageband I was able to create a useful and well laid out sound track.

Genre /Style
I chose the mix up and compilation of genre's and style I did because I believed that they would work well with the animation overall and ensuring it was completed according with the relevant house style and finish. Retaining house style is important within any project because it is the fundamental building blocks towards putting together a finished project.

The soundtrack has relevance to the project as the story is about adventure and drama for example there is sudden change between each verse that plays relevance to the overall narrative of an adventurer and a lost snowman.

Animation Process

P2 /M1: Animation Process Write Up

The Animation Process

  • The art director will develop a style and create a predominant house style. characters and environments. Most of these pictures showing what everything will look like would be drawn, but it really depends on who is designing, and if it is a group of people or just one person.

  • The director and producer will then cast the voices for each character until getting what is needed. The chosen voice actors will then study the script, trying to get what they want. sometimes it is all recored in a day, sometimes it can go for days, once again it is up to the vision of the director and producer. The editor will then create a sound track example to show a representation of each character.

  • From the original drawings and designs, modellers will begin to make CG examples and skeletons of the characters so the animator can move each joints creating realistic movement.

  • Working on things like layout and timings are next. although the first real show of timing is form the storyboards whilst keeping in mind camera movements, shot types, moods and other visual information. Ones completed, the layouts will be shot and made into a 'layout reel' or edited into the perviously made storyboard. In the making of larger, more structured and expensive products there will be often two phases, rough and final.

  • The animation can now begin as all the assets needed to go with it are done with exception to the backgrounds. Scenes will be assigned to specific animators by the director. As each scene is completed the director will approve it and will then be added to the real to be viewed in context. each scene will built up to create an almost completed running animation. Effect animations will be added after all is complete.

  • The backgrounds will be created and added now as they are made and overseen by the art director.When using CG, basic sets will be built up by modellers, then after set dressing will be added for more detail. With 2D animation, the backgrounds will be in some cases scanned in and cleaned up on the computers on just made onto the computers to remove the cleaning up and scanning stage.

Opening Sequence

Opening Sequence Storyboard | Project 2 | Wonder

1:1 - FADING LONG SHOT - Title fades in and appears on screen. Back ground to the project is present.

1:2 - FADING LONG SHOT - Title still present, animated by fades in.

1:3 - FADING LONG SHOT - Title fade out animation begins.

1:4 - LONG SHOT - Character steps into frame and animation begins.

Log sheets

Shot Log Sheets | Wonder

Time line

Timeline | Wonder

Call Sheet

Call Sheet | Wonder