Tuesday 1 April 2014

Character Development And Sketches - The Traveller -

This is my character 'The Traveler', what is shown here is the character development, I did a few facial expressions and glimpse of the costume design (e.g. Jacket and Back pack) even though the character is going to be silhouetted in the film sequence, I chose to show the character's face and costume in detail as to give an idea for me how to draw him when animating him. As you can see, I had some ideas of what to add, I wanted to add hair and perhaps make the beard longer, especially the beard, as I want to give the impression that this person has been adventuring for quite some time, years in fact and I don't want a clean, brushed beard, I want the beard to be messy and dirty so in the future, I'll edit the beard and perhaps the hair.  

"Little is known about The Traveler who roams within these woods, some say he has been walking on the road for years, stopping at nearby villages and towns to get supplies for this journey of his. He is described as an middle aged man, quite rugged looking and dirty but has a kind heart, he is willing to help those of need on his journey. No one knows why he travels nor no one knows his name. He is a complete mystery."

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